Training Ship Indefatigable
1864 - 1995
How would you like to go to school on a ship? The boys of the Indefatigable did. There were two ships called the Indefatigable, which were moored in the River Mersey close to New Ferry. The first was used from 1864 until 1914 and the second until 1941. They were training ships for “the sons and orphans of sailors”. As well as teaching the usual subjects like reading and arithmetic, the boys learnt about practical seamanship, such as navigation, use of the compass, setting, reefing and furling sails etc. They slept on board in hammocks, cleaned the ship themselves and washed and mended their own clothes. The ships in the river were replaced by a land-based Indefatigable School in Anglesey.
The Indefatigable no longer exists as a school following closure in 1995, However an association was born from closure to honour the past, its members and help in charitable ways.
The Indefatigable Old Boys Association
To visit the Indefatigable Old Boys Website please use the following link
If you were an Indefatigable boy and would like to catch up with friends there is still time to join The IOBA, The 2021 reunion on The Isle of Anglesey is taking place in July
Indefatigable Old Boys Association Shop
New Inde Merchandise Gallery your pics
This picture taken outside the hotel where this years Old Boys met up for a reunion
My first time it was a fantastic weekend made special by Old boys of many different ages
next reunion
Saturday 11th June 2022 (tbc)